I am a Year 8 learner in Room 2 at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. My teacher is Ms. Tapuke.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Friday, 25 November 2016
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Monday, 19 September 2016
Friday, 9 September 2016
The boy who learnt how to fly
Usain was always late to school! He was dashing through other houses to get to school. Here comes the creepy dog came out of no where and chasing Bolt, he slightly had a scary shock. As his Coach was looking at his papers, Usain came sprinting and messed up his papers. But luckily he made it time for class.
He did not even know he had any lunch, Felling so hungry that he even looked at his class mates and saw them having fun with their lunch. He even saw his Coach, ready to munch his lunch. Coach told him if you want his lunch you have to run with the fastest kid in school. That look on his face felt nervous and scared. So his Teacher blowed the whistle. And the fastest kid was leading the race, but suddenly as bolt looked back and saw the lunch he wanted it and dashed through the fastest kid, and had won the race against the fastest kid.
He felt nervous about his last race. As his mum was walking to bolt she said to never give up and that his shoes were not on the right foot. He she told him to no matter what happens then you keep on running. So he went with exicitment to the track and was ready to run and as the man said Ready, Set go, he sprinted and won the race to the finish line. And he keep on winning medals and Trophies.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Anti-cheating logo
WALT: make connections between texts and apply the knowledge to a new situation.
Walt: understand why people make particular choices and how their choice can impact themselves and others.
Walt: use an increasing vocabulary to make meaning.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Making connections
Making connections
Kobe Bryant
Roger Federer
Ryan Lochte
Maria Sharapova
Usain Bolt
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Track and field
Sports titles/ Olympic medals prior to London 2012
Kobe bryant is in his second olympics and he won his first gold medal in 2008 in usa in mens basketball and he won his second gold medla in 2012 in usa in the men;s basketball tournment
On decmber the 14 a head of roger Federer first tennis match was 34 years ago that is when he won his first gold medla at the men’s tennis in londa 2012
Ryan Lochte won his first gold medla in the men’s 4x100m freestyle relay
In apirl the 19 in 1987 she won her first gold medal at the age of 10 year’s old and when she turned 17 she won her second gold medal in 1999 at the age of 24
In the relay usain bolt won a gold medla then on his next race he won aother gold medla
Speedo Gatorade, Gillette and Nissan
Incomes from Sponsor
Kobe Brtant get 680 milion dollars from his sponsors every 6 weeks
Every year Roger federer get 71 million dollars every year from his sponsor.
Every two year Ryan lochte 50,000 million dollars fron his sponsor.
Maria sharapova gets 295 million dollars every one year.
Usain Bolt he get 10 milion dollars ever 2 week’s for winning gold medlas
Answer these questions!
- Who is the oldest athlete? Kobe Bryant
- Who do you think is the most successful athlete (prior to London 2012)?
- Who appears to have had the most success with sponsors (look at number of sponsors and the amount earned through sponsors)? Roger Federer out of all ten
- Why do you think sponsorship could motivate someone to cheat in sport? Because they take drugs
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
The Olympics are held every four years. Every country around the world people who represents their country in the different kind of sports and activities. the important thing about the Olympics is that it bring us together as one nation so that we can play the sports we want to play and to Compete .
Athletes always wake up better 5:00 or 6:00. I think that is the time that they wake up to do their training I guess that they have an half an hour training. There are 206 country that come to the Olympics to compete Against each others . The thing that the athletes do is that they train their best and also some of the athletes are sponsored by Nike , Adidas , Under Armour , New Balance asics , they are so lucky to be sponsored by all of the wonderful brands .
The technology that athletes have .Let say for example cycling they have to always bend their backs so the wind can come and go over them instead of pushing the person on the bicycle And the wind should come and go over the head .One thing there also have is this fancy thing you put on your arm it is like this leather thing it is so cool because not only it helps them go faster but it makes them win to.
When you are celebrate you cry because you came first second or third or that means you cry because you are proud of yourself and if you have kids they Probably will cry to and at the same time they will come and give you a hug just because you won a gold model silver model .When you win and you look at the flag you cry because what you have done for yourself and you had believed in it.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Friday, 5 August 2016
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Friday, 29 July 2016
Shoes of Olympics
WALT: organise data and interpret various data graphs.
WALT: find the mean, median and mode of a data set.
Shoes Of Olympics
WALT: respond using key information from the text, as well as our own knowledge.
WALT : compare successful Olympic shoes over almost 90 years, looking at how and why the technology changed over time.Created with Padlet
WALT : compare successful Olympic shoes over almost 90 years, looking at how and why the technology changed over time.Created with Padlet
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Hey do you that today our school Pt England had an art gallery show it was wonderful the thing that I learned about was when team two was talking about the four season it was cool because we got to see all other student's art work so the was my afternoon the class we went with was room seven and also my class room six
Monday, 27 June 2016
Paul Martin
On Wednesday 22th there was this Rugby play and also he is an article he was the one that came up with Kory Kiwi .That came to Pt England School his name is Paul Martin he used to play for the waikato Chiefs he was teaching as about how to draw a slide on of an human gose .
What I liked about paul martin coming to Pt England school was when we got to do art like for the whole day but the cool thing was when he draw Kory the Kiwi and he was so like and superstar .
What I like was I got to hang out with my friends and we got to decide what we were going to draw and me and one of my friend we decide to do a bball court and we are going to draw a basketball .
My favroutie part was when some of the year six student got to see Paul Martin draw Kory the Kiwi it was so worderful and it was cool because he went over tha photo with ink and it was cool and the things we did was drawing
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Friday, 17 June 2016
My animation
this term team 4 has been learning about comic books, and comic arts. I have created a animated movie showing my hero pushing a comet back to save the day. Hope you enjoy my movie.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
For this task we have been learning about figurative language. Through this task we had to play a game that helps us with our figurative language, there were four words that we had to choose from. They were: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole. Here is the link to the game we GAME
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Thursday, 9 June 2016
WALT : write a narrative that is descriptive (paints a picture in the reader's mind)
This week I have been learning how to draw A picture
This week I have been learning how to draw A picture
One day a little boy and his friends went to the beach.There name’s were Ben David and .The beach they went to was Pt England beach.Ben Ran in first then David then Mat.Mat doesn't really like going into the beach water but he have to so he just ran in.Then Ben thought he was a good swimmer but the surf water took him and he started to drown.Then and Mat was worried about Ben because they couldn't see him around.Suddenly They heard someone saying HELP HELP.Then They listened one more time then they knew it was Ben .But they couldn't do anything to help because he was out far and probably he will drown said Mat.The Mat and David heard nothing but just the water moving around and around.Then some how a hero out of the sky dived through the water.He grabbed Ben and Took him back on to the beach.Then they said thank you Superhero then Hyper wave said That's All right that's my job to save people and protect the world.Then Ben woke up and he said thank you very much Mr Lee .Then he said no worry .So then he left and that's the ending of my story HOPE YOU ENJOY .
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
WALT follow directions and work effectively as a group.
Team leader america And the amazing teachers fighting a new supervillain is as strong as a oxe and as fast is a cheater he wears a deep purple cap . and a sparkly green face mask to hides the hides scar that cover half more then his face He is a ninja warrior flowering around in the dark.
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Multiply in Parts
WALT: Multiply in Parts
This week my maths group have been learning how to multiply in part
Friday, 20 May 2016
In The End
WALT: Develop an understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts.
WALT: Develop an understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Monday, 16 May 2016
Superman is the most powerful being on planet Earth, an alien immigrant named Kal-El from the planet Krypton, who was raised in Manville, Kansas, to become an American superhero. Raised with high moral ideals, he uses his incredible strength, speed, flight and various other superpowers to fight evil and protect the innocent. In his civilian identity he is Clark Kent, a mild-mannered reporter working for the Daily Planet in Metropolis. He is a founding member of the Justice League of America and a charter member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th Century.
Friday, 13 May 2016
Monday, 9 May 2016
Harry War
WALT: Use Our Prior Knowledge To Gain a Deeper Understanding of a Text and Specific Vocabulary.
Hey Ted me Harry I just send you this mail so you know that I am still alive. This war has been so hard for some of the man has been complaining how there was no boat for them go back home . Form Harry
Hey Ted me Harry I just send you this mail so you know that I am still alive. This war has been so hard for some of the man has been complaining how there was no boat for them go back home . Form Harry
Friday, 6 May 2016
Immersion Assembly
WALT: Use graphic organisers to write a recount

Has your school had a Immersion Assembly before . Well on Monday the 2nd of May Pt England school had their Immersion Assembly . All Teachers were wearing different costumes but they had to wear costumes that are about same thing as there
teams Topic. Well one of the teacher was wearing a costumes like it was like a painting thing and it had different colour like blue red white . Mrs Nua was wearing a box with like different photo like photo of windows and trees .
Team 1's topic was about My favourite things so basicly they are going to be talk about the student's favourite thing and also teachers favorite thing .Team 2 was talking about winter Autumn spring and summer. So in team 2 one class is going to learn all about winter and there is going to be another class that is going to talk about Autumn also spring and summer.
Team 3 was going on with how they could built there own future house so if you would like to built a home you can come and ask the team 3 teachers .
Next they showed us movies from team 1 first.They are telling us about their favourite thing’s.After team 1 it was team 2 next.They are learning about seasons.Like winter,summer,spring and autumn.Next was team 3 they are learning about building things.
Next was team 4 that’s my team.We’re learning about superhero's.What is your favourite superhero?While mean is Batman and Superman.In the movie the team 4 teachers put sound’s like KAPOW and POW.The superhero names were Team Leader America,Bat Guy,Wondering Women.The name of the bad guy was Bear Bax’s.Baer Bax’s stole Bobby Jon’s Chromebook.And two amateur hero’s tired to stop Bear Bax’s but he bate them up.After two min’s a group called “THE TEACHER VERGERS came and Bat Guy want and freed the two amateur hero’s.The two superhero’s want pouched and kicked.Then they put him in jail and lifted him there forever well not for ever like just 13 year’s in jail
Immersion Assembly made me feel so excited about the rest of the term.My favourite team was team 3.I like team 3 because they inspire me to make building’s.This team I'm looking forward to be doing art at school.”I CAN’T WAIT!
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Problem Solving
WALT : Use our 5’s and 10’s to solve multiplication problems
We have been learning to solve problems in lots and different ways. If we solve it in different ways it would help us a lot
Monday, 2 May 2016
Friday, 15 April 2016
Blog Comments
Blog URL :
Write 1-2 sentences (In your OWN words) about something you liked in their blog post.
Write 1-2 sentences describing WHY you liked that part of their post.
Hi Charles I so like the way you have very good work .
`I like how he has good work and expression .
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Hello Kaharau I like the way you have so good things in your blog .
I like the way you have wonderful work
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Sup Stacey I like how you
Have very good expression of your work
I love how she has the glorious work and words on her writing
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Hey Eva I like the how you have so good thing in your work
What I like about her work as it is that she has put alots of efferent into her work
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Hi Josh I lke the way you have good expression on your work
A other thing I like is the he has heaps of good and Excited words
WALT : Make Connections across a range of texts
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
FIA FIA 2016
FIA FIA 2016
Did you know that on Thursday 7th of April 2016 Pt England school had their 2016 Fiafia? There were 18 groups that had performed!The group I was in was the Tongan Girls first group was the Maori and then the rock band . After the rock band it was the hip hop gruop jump jam then the Samoan group straight after it was the nuein the collest group. After that it was the lovely and Beautiful Tongan Girls and then straight after that it was the best best warrors of the island of TONGA malo malo to the warriors of Tonga. Mt favourite groups of all the Fiafia groups was the beautiful Tongan girls and the warrior Tongan boys.
List of the groups :
Tongan Girls
Tongan Boys
Kapa haka
Cook Island
Circus Circus
Jump Jam
Hip hop nuein
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
On Tuesday the 22th of march we had the 26nd year 5/6 camp at our school Pt England.It was all the year 6's in 2016 last camp with the year 5's. My favourite bit was when we got to go to our movie night and cooking the chocolate chip biscuits. We made Choc chips biscuits for our afternoon tea. and Movie night was cool cause we watched a movie and were with our friend's.
Monday, 11 April 2016
Monday, 21 March 2016
Hook Our Audience.
Hook Our Audience.
On one wet day as the rain was falling me and my class went on a school trip to the zoo . As we got off the bus we could hear the lion roaring form there cage . As I walk pass the with my class and into the zoo the giraffe was eating the leaves
This week we are learning to write our own story in our own words .
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Monday, 14 March 2016
WALT : Multiply Using Equal Sets.
We have been learning to solve problems in lots and different ways. If we solve it in different ways it would help us a lot
Friday, 11 March 2016
WALT: identify the key features of a narrative text
Once upon a time I went for a school trip to the zoo. We went to the Auckland zoo I went to go and see the Giraffe eat the leaves of the tree.When the Giraffes were stretching their neck so they can eat. The giraffe has a very very long the giraffe's neck is 1.8 meters long. Their neck is long but they are very slow.
We moved on to the next Rotation we went to the crocodile. The crocodile was asleep but the man woke it up and the crocodile was chasing the man but the man escaped and told us all to go to the next rotation. As we were going to our next rotation we saw 2 big volcanoes we saw it and the volcano's were doing a show with blasting rocks and fake lava.
When I went home I told my family about the 2 volcano that was my favourite thing when we went to the zoo.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Monday, 7 March 2016
Problem Solving Week 5
WALT : Add with Near Doubles
We have been learning to solve problems in lots and different ways. If we solve it in different ways it would help us a lot !!!
Problem Solving
WALT : Multiply by counting by 2's.
We have been learning to solve problems in lots and different ways. If we solve it in different ways it would help us a lot !!!
Friday, 26 February 2016
Using Doubles
WALT: Add with Doubles
We have been learning to solve problems in lots and different ways. If we solve it in different ways it would help us a lot !!!
WALT: identify the key features of a narrative text
Yesterday my reading group went to the zoo first we saw giraffe then we saw zebra there was a giraffe that was taller then the other. What I did at the zoo was taking photo of the cool animals there were heaps of animals .The animals I like was kiwi when we were looking at the kiwi it was eating the leaves that was on the ground the kiwi was anonymous. The other animal I like was the seal it was very cool how it was swimming it was moving it body like it was dancing. The last animal we saw before we left the zoo was the spider monkey . I enjoy being at the zoo with the animals and I also enjoy having lunch with my reading group.
Thursday, 25 February 2016
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